Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mission Statement or How I fell in love with arm wrestling

Hello everyone and welcome to Arm Sports. Let me give everyone out there a little background information on me. My name is Craig and I am addicted to arm wrestling. My journey from normal person to arm wrestling addict is pretty interesting, at least to me, so I thought I would share it.

It all started when a friend of mine, Joe, convinced me I needed to go rock climbing with him. I had never been before so I thought it might be fun to give it a shot. I had always thought that I was pretty strong, I was definitely stronger than Joe in the absolute sense, so I thought I might be decent at the sport. I didn't think someone could be so much better than me at something strength related. So, I started looking around for things to improve my grip. This led me to the Captains of Crush grippers. I ordered my first grippers from Ironmind and added in a few issues of their quarterly magazine, MILO. Inside of MILO was where I found out about the world of professional arm wrestling.

A couple of months after devouring all the arm wrestling articles in MILO I decided it was time to give the real thing a shot. A friend and I decided to build our own arm wrestling table. We went online, looked the official dimensions, and made a trip to the hardware store. Well, our first table was pretty much crap, but it was good enough to start getting some matches in. Every weekend we ended up arm wrestling. It turned out that I was decent with my left but that my right was abysmal. That is when I decided to re-read every arm wrestling article in MILO and scour the internet.

Scouring the internet let me to ArmTV, the gripboard, and the North East board and that brings us up to today. I am still an amateur arm wrestler but have decided to give serious training a try. I am also addicted to arm wrestling news. Between the three sites mentioned above you can stay pretty up to date with everything happening in the arm wrestling world. But I wanted to create one place where you could get up the minute news as well as training articles, stories, and match videos.

So, while I will do my best to gather every piece of arm wrestling news that I can find an place it here, I am also looking for anyone who is interested in writing for this site. I can't afford to pay you, but if you have something interesting to say, dont hesitate to email me and we can see about having your articles appear on the site.

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